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Written by Adam Miller
Commercial Property Claims: Common Causes and How To Avoid Them

Nearly half of all small businesses are likely to experience a commercial property claim in their lifetime, with damages ranging from minor to catastrophic. Without the right kind of insurance protection, commercial property damage can be financially devastating, leading to the loss of customers and revenue and in some cases, total business closure. In today's blog post, we look at the three most common causes of commercial property claims, and what companies can do to avoid them to ensure their long-term survival.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why Texas Businesses Should Never Skip Workers Compensation Coverage

Workers Compensation Insurance is a cornerstone of many commercial insurance policies, but in the state of Texas, it is only recommended, and not required by state law. To their detriment, some businesses skip having Workers Compensation coverage with the belief that it's unnecessary because they have little to no workplace accidents. The reality is that insurance protects against the issues, accidents, and damages we can't ever plan for, and having Workers Compensation coverage is a smart business decision, regardless of the industry or size of the company.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Ways To Reduce Workplace Tension

Tension in the workplace can arise from a variety of causes. For example, a business can become a hostile environment because of words, such as discussions regarding work performance, politics, pay, race, religion, or personal issues. In addition, workplace tension can escalate because of circumstances, such as layoffs, missed promotions, failed office romances, excessive overtime, coworker clashes, health issues, or personal strife at home. The goal of business owners should be to identify and peacefully diffuse workplace tension before it escalates into workplace violence.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Tips To Safely Enjoy The Big Game

This weekend Houston hosts the biggest football game of the year, with millions of people across the county gathering in homes, restaurants, and bars to watch the game, fill up on delicious food, and have fun. While it can be great to celebrate and watch sports games with family and friends, it's important to remember a few safety tips to ensure you have a fun and safe time. No one wants a big game celebration interrupted by an personal injury or accident that requires medical attention or the fire department.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Three Biggest Risks Of Using Drones For Your Business

One of the biggest innovations to impact the business world in the last few years has been the use of drones for commercial use. Drones are used in industries across the world, including farming, manufacturing, art, real estate, construction, retail, and everything in between. While they provide incredible and unique perspectives for businesses and their customers, the commercial use of drones comes with substantial risk for property owners.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Top Three Financial Decisions New Parents Should Make

New parents are inundated with suggestions and products to help them care for and raise their children, covering a wide range of issues. Some of the more popular topics include feeding, clothing, education, discipline, safety gear, medical decisions, and more. However, new parents don't often get helpful suggestions about money and finances, which can leave families in a financial bind down the road if finances aren't addressed early.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Reasons To Choose An Independent Insurance Agency

In this era of global corporations and multi-national businesses, it can be hard for the average commercial consumer to be noticed or feel appreciated by their service providers. Clients might feel like they are simply nothing more than an account number, especially when they are in need of customer service. Thankfully, commercial insurance customers do have choices, and one of the best ones they can make is choosing an independent insurance agency instead of a large, faceless insurance corporation.

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Written by Adam Miller
Are You Making Your Home A Target For Thieves?

Every homeowner dreads the thought of criminals making their way into their home and stealing their property and valuables, as well as hurting their loved ones. In addition to losing personal possessions to thieves, homeowners also lose valuable peace of mind. Sadly, some homeowners can make their homes prime targets for thieves, vandals, and other criminals without even realizing it.

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Written by Adam Miller
Could Financial Mistakes Delay Your Retirement?

As adults, we'e required to make financial decisions every day, but some of these may be smart choices while others are mistakes. Although some financial mistakes impact us on a short-term basis, others may result in serious repercussions, such as delaying our retirement. In today's blog post, we discuss what kinds of financial mistakes could delay our retirement, and what can be done to correct these mistakes and make sure retirement goals are met on a timely basis.

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Written by Adam Miller
What Businesses Can Learn From A Year-End Review

As 2016 comes to a close, many businesses begin planning out strategies for the new year to increase revenue, win customers, improve efficiency, and lower costs. However, many companies miss out on important growth opportunities because they fail to perform a thorough year-end review. A year-end review can help identify successes, failures, and areas of improvement from the past year, all of which can help put businesses in a better position to thrive in the new year.

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