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Garage insurance, also known as "motor trade insurance," is a type of liability insurance that covers garage owners and car dealerships from claims involving customers' vehicles while on the company premises. This type of insurance covers a variety of businesses, including automobile dealers, repair garages, service stations, storage garages, parking lots, valet services, and delivery and towing operations. Where there are automobiles, there will be accidents. Liability coverage protects these businesses against:
Garage Liability - This provides coverage for bodily injury, property damage resulting from operations involving the ownership, maintenance, or use of a covered vehicle. This coverage does not cover accidents not involving a covered vehicle that is typically defined as a vehicle held in inventory by the insured dealer.
Garage Operations - This provides coverage for bodily injury or property damage resulting from garage operations other than the ownership, maintenance, or use of a covered vehicle.
Aegis can also help in solving the insurance and risk management needs of the Gas Station and Convenience Store industry, putting together a myriad of coverage specific and unique to Service Station Insurance. As an Insurance provider, we can offer a combination of policies: pumps, car wash, convenience store, restaurant, automotive repair or maybe you are franchise or independent, whether you lease or own, with our expertise we can put together a customized portfolio of coverage that will fit perfectly to your exposure. All at industry best pricing, we know how to bring down the cost and broaden coverage. We offer:
You can also receive coverage for your automobile inventory. Call us today at 713-850-7622 to discuss your garage insurance options!
We've also provided you with a checklist (PDF) you can take with you when you talk to your insurance agent and about working with Aegis.