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Written by Adam Miller
Is Minimum Auto Insurance Coverage Really Keeping You Protected?

The state of Texas requires minimum amounts of auto insurance coverage in order to operate a vehicle in our state, which is liability coverage for property damage or bodily injury you may cause with your vehicle.  However, there is no one type of car accident. Some may be single-car accidents caused by a drowsy driver, while others may be multi-car pile-ups with many injured drivers and passengers.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Prepare Your Business From Windstorm Damage

Winter weather in the Gulf Coast region is typically milder than in the rest of the country, but Texas often experiences high winds and strong gusts as cold fronts approach our area. Sometimes these strong winds cause little to no property damage, while other times a freak windstorm can topple trees, down power lines, and cause extensive damage to businesses, retail centers, restaurants, and office complexes.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Avoid Purchasing A Vehicle With Flood Damage

Houstonians rely greatly on their cars and trucks, largely because of our city's vast size and minimal public transportation options. However, over 19,000 of area vehicles experienced some form of vehicle flood damage during the historic Tax Day floods of 2016. While some of these flooded vehicles were completely submerged and sent to salvage yards, many were cleaned up and resold to unsuspecting buyers or used car lots.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Common Dangers During The Holidays

The holidays are a festive time of celebration, often involving traveling, gathering with family and friends, and sharing delicious meals together. Sadly, they can also be a dangerous time for families and friends if proper precautions are not taken. In today's blog post, we discuss three common dangers that occur most during the holidays, and what people can do to mitigate their risks.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Companies Can Reduce Workers Comp Costs

One of the biggest struggles companies can face is dealing with work place accidents and injured employees that result in Worker's Compensation claims. No business owner wants to have injured employees, nor do they want missed work time, decreased productivity, or higher workers compensation costs. Companies can find ways to reduce their costs and encourage injured employees to return to work earlier without infringing on their rights to receive the benefits and assistance they are due.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Important Conversations To Have With Aging Parents

Our parents spend years caring for us, teaching us, and guiding us from infancy to adulthood. Once adults, we can make our own decisions, plan for our future, and care for our self and our loved ones. Sadly, over time our parents may reach a stage where their own health, mobility, finances, and living situation may require them to make major life changes. While it may be difficult for adult children to discuss these sensitive topics with their aging parents, it is absolutely critical to make sure our loved ones have the safety, care, and support they need to thrive in their senior years.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Avoid Scams When Disaster Strikes

Texas has seen its fair share of disasters, including record-setting flooding, major hurricanes, severe windstorms, and wildfires. When these catastrophes impact homes and businesses, there is often a major response from assistance groups, federal agencies, and contractors ready to help rebuild. Unfortunately, along with legitimate assistance groups come scammers and fraudulent organizations hoping to make money off of both victims and individuals and businesses wanting to help in some way.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why A Property Inventory Is Essential For Homes and Businesses

Disasters can strike at any time and their unpredictability, combined with the damages they cause, leads to major issues for homeowners, renters, and businesses. Although catastrophic events can never be fully prevented, there are proactive measures that can be taken to reduce damages and expedite recovery times. One prime example is having a property inventory for personal or commercial assets.

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Written by Adam Miller
What Sets Aegis Apart From Competitors

No matter what you're in the market for, there's a good chance you'll have multiple options or several companies vying for your business. This is true whether you're buying a car, boat, home, clothing, or even a loaf of bread. Consumers have a bounty of choices, but the quality and value among them can vary greatly, especially in the world of personal and commercial insurance.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Reasons Why College Students Need Quality Insurance Protection

Homeowners, renters, and business owners are often reminded of the importance of having personal and commercial insurance coverage. However, college students are some of the most vulnerable victims when disaster strikes, and are rarely protected with quality insurance coverage. Sadly, college students have little financial recourse when their possessions are lost or damaged by severe weather, or when they are victims of accidents or injuries on campus.

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