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Written by Adam Miller
How To Develop A Renters Emergency Plan

When disaster strikes, some of the most vulnerable people are those renting apartments, as there is not often a clear-cut emergency plan or exit strategy in place. Residents fleeing a fire or other major catastrophe are often confused about where to go or safe places to find shelter or help, and they risk losing their lives or suffering from major injuries because of these delays.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Top Four Things Thieves Target During The Summer

While summer can be a busy time for families as they plan vacations and road trips, it can be an even busier time for thieves looking to steal what they can from residential properties. In almost no time at all, and with very little effort, criminals can quickly make off with hundreds and even thousands of dollars worth of personal property. Today's blog post looks at the top four things thieves target on residential properties during the summer months.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Ways To Make Your Business A Safer Place To Work

Over the last few decades, businesses have become much safer for employees thanks to government regulations regarding workplace safety and employee protections. However, not all businesses are as safe as they could be, and some still pose safety hazards for their employees, especially in busy working environments or worksites where dangerous materials are handled. In today's blog post, we look at three specific ways to make businesses a safer place for employees.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Keep Thieves From Targeting Your Business

Businesses are targeted by criminals for a variety of reasons, such as the higher value of assets inside, poor security measures in place, and the fact that most businesses are empty during the evening hours. A single act of business theft or burglary can cost companies thousands of dollars, not to mention the loss of security and peace of mind for business owners, employees, and customers. In today's blog post, we highlight three specific ways owners and management can keep thieves from targeting their business.

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Written by Adam Miller
Important Sun Safety Tips For Your Family This Summer

Summer is typically the time when families plan fun outdoor vacations and spend a great deal of time in backyards, at beaches, or in parks. While summer fun can lead to many happy memories, it can also lead to health issues if proper precautions aren't taken during the brutal summer heat. Heat-related health issues can result in severe, and sometimes fatal, injuries, turning happy summer memories into tragic ones.

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Written by Adam Miller
Minimize Hurricane Damage To Your Business With These Simple Steps

The 2016 hurricane season is officially underway, and with it comes the unease of knowing the Gulf Coast could take a direct hit from a hurricane or other serious tropical storm. Although hurricane preparation is often directed towards individuals and families, businesses should also take time to prepare for a hurricane to protect against severe losses and minimize commercial property damage.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why Location Is So Important For Small Businesses

A business owner can develop the best products, construct the most stunning business space, hire the best employees, and create a rock-solid business plan, but the business will still struggle mightily if the business has picked a terrible location. Picking the right location for a business is so crucial because of the variety of factors it impacts, including customer and vendor access, employee safety, natural disasters, and building functionality.

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Written by Adam Miller
Commercial Fire Damage: How To Best Protect Your Business From Fire

During the summer months, businesses near the Gulf Coast have an added concern about property damages caused by hurricane, tropical storms, flash flooding, and windstorms and tornadoes. However, most businesses are ill prepared for one of the most common and costliest types of commercial property damage, which is fire. The average cost of a fire to a small business is over $35,000, which many small businesses would be unable to pay for out of pocket.

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Written by Adam Miller
Commercial Fire Damage: Could Your Business Survive A Fire?

During the summer, businesses have an increased concern about damages from hurricanes, severe thunderstorms, flash floods, and even windstorms and tornadoes. However, most businesses forget about one of the more common causes of commercial property damage, which is fire. Fires rank in the top five of the most common and the costliest types of commercial property claims. In part one of our series on businesses surviving a fire, we look at exactly how companies can be impacted by fire.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Benefits of Upgrading Your Fleet Vehicles

A number of businesses and industries rely on commercial fleet vehicles to make service calls, perform deliveries, transport materials and raw goods, or meet with clients and vendors. Unlike most passenger vehicles, fleet vehicles can experience significant wear and tear in a shorter period of time because of their frequent use and high mileage. Unfortunately, having an older, less reliable fleet vehicle can also lead to higher costs for the business, as well as unwanted delays and the potential loss of both revenue and happy customers.

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