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Written by Adam Miller
What To Do When Facing Flood Waters

Weather is reliably unpredictable. Even when forecasters and meteorologists warn residents about approaching storms, there is no way for them to accurately predict the severity of rainfall and accompanying wind and lightning. As a result, residents and businesses owners need to understand what to do when dangerous weather approaches in order to protect themselves and their assets. In light of recent storms and floods throughout the greater Houston area, today's blog focuses on what to do when facing dangerous floodwaters to prevent flood-related deaths or damages.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Combat The Problem of Distracting Driving

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and although this is a relatively new national awareness program, the problem of distracted driving is quickly reaching epic proportions. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2014 alone over 3,100 people were killed and over 430,000 were injured in motor vehicle accidents involving distracted drivers. The problem of distracted driving impacts individuals, families, and even businesses that rely on delivery drivers or service vehicles.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why Your Business Needs Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Businesses can take great precaution to avoid incidents and accidents in the workplace, but the one thing businesses can never completely prevent are lawsuits from former, current, or even prospective employees. A single lawsuit can cost a company thousands of dollars in just attorney fees, not to mention court costs, settlements, and judgments that could soar into the millions. What can a company do to avoid a financial disaster brought on by a lawsuit?

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Written by Adam Miller
Understanding The Basics of Business Interruption Insurance

Unforeseen shutdowns of businesses can occur at any time, whether because of fire, theft, utility outages, or windstorm damages. When a business is forced to temporarily close, it can often lead to a permanent closure because of the company's inability to cover both the building repairs and the ongoing expenses such as rent, taxes, and employee wages. What options do businesses have if they face monumental expenses and repairs in order to reopen their business? Business Interruption Insurance is the solution for businesses facing this scenario.

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Written by Adam Miller
3 Reasons Why You Might Need To Update Company Passwords

Thieves have gotten smarter and more industrious in finding ways to steal from businesses across the country. Whether it's stealing raw materials like copper, expensive equipment such as computers and tools, or hacking into computer networks or financial records, thieves are always looking for an easy way to quickly steal as much as they can.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Three Biggest Risks For Contractors

Contractors perform some of the most important work for homeowners and businesses, handling repairs, installations, upgrades, and maintenance that require the skill, certification, and expertise of a professional. Even with years of experience and hundreds of satisfied customers, a contractor can still face risks on the job, which is why having quality commercial insurance tailored for the contractor industry is crucial.

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Written by Adam Miller
Understanding The Basics of Cyber Liability Insurance

We live in a digital age, meaning that technology impacts all facets of our lives, including personal banking, shopping, communication, and especially the business world. Millions of businesses around the world rely on technology to produce products, promote and sell services, reach customers, and secure sensitive company, financial, and customer data.

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Written by Adam Miller
What Does General Liability Insurance Actually Cover?

If you look around your retail store, restaurant, or office space right now, how many potential hazards do you see? At first, you might say "none," but take a closer look. Do you have retail merchandise stacked a little too high, where it could fall down onto a customer? Are there any cracks in your restroom tile or uneven sections of office carpet that could trip a vendor or client? Does your company's parking garage lack adequate lighting in stairwells?

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Written by Adam Miller
Understanding The Unique Insurance Needs Of Restaurants

The United States is home to some of the best dining cities in the world, offering dazzling arrays of diverse cuisines and inventive dishes. From small, rustic cafes to opulent, breathtaking dining rooms, chefs and owners strive to grow their restaurants and establish a place in their local dining scene. Unfortunately, there can be obstacles to a restaurant's growth and success, but having the right kind of commercial insurance protection can help restaurants and cafes weather any kind of storm.

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Written by Adam Miller
Learn When To Adjust or Cancel Business Insurance Coverage

Changes happen in all facets of business, whether it's expanding your company, buying equipment, hiring or firing employees, relocating, or making other important business decisions. Although many of these changes can impact commercial lines of insurance coverage, it can be hard to know when these changes mean cancelling or simply adjusting current insurance coverage. In today's blog post, we'll detail how consumers can know whether they should adjust their coverage, or if the policy should be canceled altogether.

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