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The Risks of Allowing Pets At Work

Businesses are often looking for new ways to boost morale and reduce stress in the workplace. A new trend among small businesses is to allow employees to occasionally bring their pets to work with them. Although this option is growing in popularity, the decision to allow pets to enter the workplace does come with some serious liability risks for businesses of all sizes. In today's blog post, we'll look at the risks of allowing employees to bring their pets to the office or worksite.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why Restaurants Face Higher Insurance Risks

Houston businesses need commercial insurance coverage to protect their company, business assets, and their employees. However, some companies and industries need a wider range of insurance coverage due to higher rates of incidents and claims, or greater risks involved with day-to-day operations. In today's blog post, we'll look at why the Restaurant Industry faces higher insurance risks, and how restaurants can better protect themselves from liability claims.

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Written by Adam Miller
Protecting Your Home During Hurricane Season

Although summer is coming to an end, the reality is that we are still only halfway through the hurricane season, with tropical activity still possible through November 30. Since Houston has such a close proximity to the Gulf Coast, residents still need to be vigilant about protecting homes from hurricanes, tropical storms, and other severe weather events.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Ways To Help Commercial Fleet Vehicles Last Longer

A large number of Texas businesses rely on commercial fleet vehicles to make service calls, deliver products, and meet with clients and vendors. Over time, commercial fleet vehicles can wear down over time, and the business may become negatively impacted by vehicle breakdowns or repairs. In today's blog post, we'll highlight four tips to help commercial fleet vehicles last longer to protect the company's investment and eliminate service or transportation delays.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Tips To Reduce General Liability Claims

There are a myriad of risks that small-business owners face, including theft, weather disasters, and unfavorable online reviews. However, one of the most common threats to any business comes from General Liability lawsuits. Thankfully, businesses can take proactive steps to reduce these largely preventable claims and protect the future of their company. Today's blog post will highlight four simple tips that can help reduce a company's exposure to General Liability lawsuits.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Does Location Impact My Business Risk?

One of the first questions any business owner is asked when researching commercial insurance options is where the business is located. While there are a number of factors that impact a business's risk, location is one of the most influential when it comes to premium rates, coverage options, endorsements, and exclusions. There is no such thing as the perfect location for a business, but understanding and thoroughly researching a location before establishing a business can significantly reduce potential risk.

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Written by Adam Miller
Does Your Business Need This Kind of Commercial Insurance Coverage?

Houston is home to thousands of businesses of all sizes, representing hundreds of different industries and professions, including retail shops, attorneys, farms, contractors, restaurants, oil and gas, and health professions. As these businesses vary, so do their commercial insurance needs.

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Written by Adam Miller
Safety Tips For Business Travelers

A growing number of American employees, managers and company owners travel for work, but as business travel increases so does the risk of business property loss and damages. In the rush to meet travel and work deadlines, business travelers can often overlook basic safety practices and put themselves and their business assets in jeopardy. In today's blog post, we'll discuss three essential safety tips for any business traveler.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why Does My Business Need Workers Compensation Insurance?

Houston business owners face a myriad of important logistical and financial decisions on a regular basis, especially when a business is first starting out, or when it begins to grow and expand. One of the major decisions a business owner can make is in regards to Commercial Insurance coverage and policies. Commercial Insurance needs can vary greatly depending on the industry, size of the business, location, and state or local requirements.

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Written by Adam Miller
Staying Safe and Protecting Your Assets During a Flood

The Houston area recently experienced record levels of rainfall in a very short period of time, leading to flash floods throughout the city and surrounding suburbs. Thousands of businesses, homes, and vehicles were left with damage, totaling millions in repair and replacement costs.

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