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Written by Adam Miller
Four Steps To Minimize Business Closures After A Disaster

One of the biggest worries a business owner can have is shutting down their company temporarily due to an issue out of their control, such as a major weather event, utility outage, accident, or unforeseen property damages. For some companies, even the shortest closure could lead to the loss of customers, revenue, and even the business itself. However, when a company has the ability to quickly recover and resume operations from covered events, there is a greater likelihood that they'll survive the temporary closure.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Reasons Why Business Interruption Insurance Is Better Than Disaster Loans

In the Gulf Coast region, businesses are well aware of the natural disasters that are common to our region, including flooding, wildfires, hurricanes, hail, and windstorms. Any one of these severe weather events can cause widespread damage to businesses and their commercial property, leading to the loss of both commercial property and revenue. When businesses are crippled by major weather damage, they may pin their hopes for recovery on securing a federal disaster loan through the Small Business Administration.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Things At Home That Could Lead To General Liability Claims

We spend a great deal of time, money, and effort to make our homes as safe as possible for ourselves and for our guests. Unfortunately, accidents and injuries can still occur in our homes that leave homeowners vulnerable to costly lawsuits from injured relatives or visitors. In today's Aegis blog post, we'll discuss three things on your residential property that, if not properly secured, could leave your guests injured and you or your family susceptible to an expensive and lengthy lawsuit.

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Written by Adam Miller
Is Your Business At Risk Of A Commercial Property Liability Claim?

Do you know that 4 out of every 10 businesses will experience some type of Commercial Property or General Liability claim over the next ten years? Although this might not be a surprising fact to business owners, many do not realize that the most common claims are not the most expensive ones they could face. As a result they might spend a lot of time worrying about a relatively inexpensive issue and end up overlooking a potential claim that could cost them far more in the long run.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Ensure You Sell A Safe Product

Every day, individuals and companies turn a good idea into a great product. It might solve a common problem, appeal to a broad market, and have the ideal price point to guarantee strong sales. However, if the product itself isn't safe, or has issues that could cause problems for customers, it could lead to serious commercial liability issues.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Commercial Insurance Can Help Protect Against Employee Mistakes

In an ideal world, company employees always work hard, they always perform their job correctly and safely, and they never do anything that would harm the reputation or financial standing of the company. Unfortunately, we don't live in an ideal world, and sometimes our employees make mistakes, whether intentional or not, that can have a significant impact on our business. In today's blog post, we look at several ways that Commercial Insurance can help protect against employee mistakes that might harm a business.

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Written by Adam Miller
EPLI: What This Insurance Covers And Why Your Business Needs It

Nearly all business owners are familiar with Workers Compensation Insurance, and many of them have it to protect against lawsuits or expensive out of pocket costs if an employee is injured or killed in the workplace. Another type of important commercial insurance policy should consider having is Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) coverage. EPLI coverage protects companies if they are sued for violating an employee's rights or demonstrating unfair treatment towards employees.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Help Seniors Protect Their Finances, Part Two

Senior citizens are one of our country's greatest assets, as they have contributed tremendously to our country's growth, innovation, and strength through the years. Unfortunately, seniors are also one of our country's most vulnerable groups, as aggressive salespeople, criminals and scammers, and even dishonest relatives often target them for their money. In part two on our series on protecting senior citizens, we highlight three ways individuals and families can help protect the finances of their senior relatives and loved ones.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Help Seniors Protect Their Finances, Part One

One of the most common goals for older Americans is to work hard and save enough to have funds for retirement and their senior years. Unfortunately, dishonest, unscrupulous, or greedy individuals or companies may threaten their hard work and investments. Often, many seniors may be unaware that they've been scammed or overcharged until it's too late, and by then there's no way for them to recover their money.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Top Causes of Workplace Accidents and How To Avoid Them

Every year, thousands of American workers are injured on the job, whether in an office, a retail store, a restaurant, or some other type of commercial property. Although workplace accidents can range from the very minor to the severe and even deadly, nearly all are preventable in some way. A minimal amount of proactive effort now can help prevent a catastrophic workplace accident in the future, protecting both employees and the company.

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