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Written by Adam Miller

When you buy a home, one of the first things you need to purchase is Homeowners Insurance to protect against losses or damages that could hurt your new property. However, the amount of coverage you initially buy when you first move in might not be the amount you need later. In today's Aegis blog post, we discuss three reasons why you might need to update your Homeowners Insurance coverage.

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Written by Adam Miller

All business owners understand that there are always going to be elements of risk on a daily basis as they run their business. While many of these risks are obvious and easily preventable, some might be not as obvious to property owners. One of the most dangerous but commonly overlooked liability risks for commercial property owners comes from the trees and landscaping on a property. If not properly maintained, a commercial landscape can quickly become the cause of personal injuries, property damage, or liability claims.

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Written by Adam Miller

If you're a small business owner, you understand that some clients and customers require different care or services based on their current situation, unique needs, or future goals. For example, if you own a restaurant, you probably won't stay in business for very long if your only menu item is a cheeseburger, cooked the same way with the exact same condiments for all customers.

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Written by Adam Miller

Technology has permeated every facet of the business world, including daily operations, sales, manufacturing, marketing, banking and finances, customer acquisition, customer service, and direct communication with clients and vendors. As our reliance on technology increases, so does the threat of data breaches and dangerous hackers looking to steal valuable data and gain access to sensitive information.

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Written by Adam Miller

We can make improvements or repairs to a variety of things: our physical health, our homes, our jobs, our skill set, or our business. However, some things simply break down over time and can't be improved or repaired without significant cost or effort. Our cars and trucks are prime examples of this. As much as we might love our family van, company car, work truck, muscle car, service vehicle, or RV, over time they can reach a point where they can't easily be repaired, and need to be replaced instead.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Goals To Set For Your Business This Year

At the beginning of a new year, it's common for people to set resolutions or goals for themselves, such as losing weight, eating healthier, quitting smoking, learning a new language, or some other personal achievement. However, it's far less common for businesses to set specific goals each year, beyond the generic "sell more" or "make more money" kind of goals. The truth is that all companies can benefit greatly from having a few goals to work towards throughout the year, especially if they are S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, and timely).

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Written by Adam Miller

Over time, a business owner may find it necessary to consider relocating their office, either because they have outgrown their current location, or they need to downsize to something more manageable and affordable. Unfortunately, office relocation can be a complex and challenging process, especially if business owners are not fully aware of all the factors they need to consider. Without the right information, a company could end up in a terrible location that dooms the future of their business.

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Written by Adam Miller

With the holiday season in full swing, you'll likely see many homes and entire neighborhoods lit up and full of seasonal décor. Unfortunately, while some people see holiday home décor as a sign of fun and festive memories to come, others see it as an invitation or opportunity to steal valuables that could be inside. Home burglaries are always on the rise during the holidays, but homeowners can take proactive steps to reduce their chance of becoming burglary victims, protecting their property and themselves.

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Written by Adam Miller

Commercial drivers are in high demand as more businesses look to provide premium services to clients, including same-day delivery of products and merchandise. For example, more restaurants now offer delivery services for their customers, and a growing number of shoppers love the convenience of having their groceries delivered right to their front door.

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Written by Adam Miller

Although Texas isn't known for its record levels of snow and ice, we do enjoy colder temperatures during the winter months. It's not uncommon for homeowners to use their fireplace, candles, or space heater more often as the temperatures drop, but they can also lead to a rise in home fires. In fact, winter months have the highest rates of fire fatalities because of accidental fires in homes and apartment complexes.

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