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Written by Adam Miller
Could Your Business Survive A Temporary Closure?

Businesses owners know that it's never good to have an unexpected closure, whether it's due to inclement weather, utility disruptions, or damages to the building and interior property. While some businesses can easily transition to an off-site or alternate location, not all have that ability or luxury. As a result, a closure of any kind could be catastrophic to a business and their bottom line.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why You Should Not Put Off Getting Flood Insurance

In recent years the U.S. has seen a steady increase in catastrophic weather events, from hurricanes, torrential rainstorms, wildfires, earthquakes, tornadoes, and mudslides. In Texas, the most devastating cause of property losses have been due to flooding, either from sudden thunderstorms or hurricanes dumping several feet of rain in the region. Residents and business owners along the Gulf Coast have experienced several record-breaking floods, but many still take the gamble of not having Flood Insurance.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Restaurants Can Reduce Liability Risks From Food Allergy Issues

A growing number of Americans now experience some form of food allergies or food sensitivities, making it a greater challenge for restaurant owners to safely serve customers without causing allergic reactions or illnesses. Although many with these allergies and sensitivities will be very upfront with servers and management when ordering, restaurants might still serve them a meal that triggers a reaction.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Ways Employees Can Harm Your Company’s Reputation

Companies spend years cultivating and protecting their business reputation among their clients, within their industry, and in the greater community. However, a single misstep by an employee can cause irreparable harm, leading to the loss of trust, customers, and revenue. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at several ways employees could harm your company's reputation, and how thorough, ongoing training can help prevent these costly mistakes.

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Written by Adam Miller
What Do Criminals See When They Look At Your Commercial Property?

Business owners will often spend a considerable amount of money to make their commercial property functional, easy to access, and welcoming to customers and visitors. However, criminals will look at a commercial property and notice very different things as they determine if a business would be a valuable and easy target. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at four things criminals may look for first when passing by your commercial property, and what security measures can help protect your business.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Ways Commercial Insurance Protects Your Business When You’re Not Open

Business owners understand that Commercial Insurance is vital for protecting company property, structures, vehicles, tools and equipment, employees, and the company at large if disaster strikes. However, Commercial Insurance doesn't just protect your business and assets from disasters that strike during your hours of operation, but also for what happens when you're closed for the evening, holidays, or other times of the week. Our Aegis blog post looks at the three most common causes of commercial property damage when the business is closed.

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Written by Adam Miller
What Businesses Should Be Doing Now Before Hurricane Season

After witnessing the devastation brought by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria last year, business owners across the Gulf Coast will have a weary eye on the tropics as hurricane season begins in just a couple of months. However, businesses have the opportunity to take actions now that can help limit business closures, mitigate potential income losses, and reduce damages in the event our region is struck by another hurricane or major weather event. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at three things companies should be doing now before the start of hurricane season on June 1.

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Written by Adam Miller
Would Your Business Be Able To Survive Another Hurricane?

Nearly eight months ago, business owners throughout southeast Texas were devastated by Hurricane Harvey, a torrential storm that brought record-shattering rainfall and widespread flooding. Thousands of companies throughout the Gulf Coast were left with no electricity, damaged buildings and assets, and substantial losses and cleanup.

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Written by Adam Miller
A Closer Look At Restaurant Liability Exposures

In a recent blog post, we looked at how restaurants may have different commercial insurance needs over time because of changes in size, business assets, and employee rosters. Today we continue on the same theme of restaurant insurance by looking at other liability exposures that are more prevalent in the restaurant industry, and how the right kind of coverage can help mitigate these risks.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Factors To Research Before Buying A New Home

It's common for individuals and families in the market for a new home to start their research in the spring. Many will closely examine floor plans and home amenities, subdivisions and deed restrictions, nearby school districts, shopping and entertainment centers, and traffic conditions. However, there are three other important factors to consider that can impact your future home's property value, as well as insurance coverage needs. In today's Aegis blog post, we'll examine these three additional factors to research before buying a new home.

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