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Written by Adam Miller

In the past, it was common for people to know all their next-door neighbors and even many of the families on their street. Likewise, business owners often knew all the other shop owners up and down their block. Now, in the hustle and bustle of today's society, people go days or even weeks without ever seeing their neighbors, much less interacting with them. When individuals, families, and business owners make an effort to get to know their neighbors, the community is a safer place.

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Written by Adam Miller

Online shopping has become the preferred method for buying gifts during the holiday season, with over $90 billion dollars spent online during the 2016 holiday season alone. Purchasing online means shoppers can avoid the crowds, busy parking lots, and mad dashes to find deals before they're gone. Unfortunately, all the time and money you save by buying online is pointless if package thieves steal your packages from your front door. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at four simple ways to protect package deliveries from thieves and ensure you receive your shipments.

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Written by Adam Miller

The American workforce continues to see an increase year after year in the number of employees who are near or past the typical retirement age. Contributing factors include improvements in healthcare, a growing need for experienced labor, and older Americans who must continue to work because of a lack of sufficient retirement savings. While older employees can be tremendous assets for companies, it's important for business owners to do their part to protect older workers, who are more likely to be injured on the jobsite.

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Written by Adam Miller

At any given time, commercial properties of all industries may have a number of people on site, including employees, customers, vendors, and visitors. The number of individuals on the site can increase dramatically because of the busy holiday season. However, some commercial properties are not as safe as they could be, and any injuries or accidents that result could significantly hurt commercial property owners in a financial way.

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Written by Adam Miller

Studies have long shown that if you want a child to master a specific skill set, language, or talent, then early exposure and training is key. For example, a child learning a second language should be immersed in it as early as possible, since it only becomes harder to learn a new language as you age. The same is true when it comes to teaching kids about money and personal finances. If you want them to make smart choices about money and finances as an adult, then it's critical to teach them at a young age and to model wise decisions yourself.

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Written by Adam Miller

As the holiday season rapidly approaches, retailers are looking for new ways to attract customers and increase revenue. However, the holiday season is also one of the busiest times of the year for criminals and thieves who target retail stores and shopping centers. Retailers can see their holiday revenues diminished greatly by theft, vandalism, and other petty crimes. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at several ways business owners can better protect their retail stores this holiday season.

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Written by Adam Miller
Is Your Financial Plan Missing A Key Step?

These days, we're inundated with ads that tell us to start planning now for our financial future. The problem with that is that many consumers focus on one area, and neglect other key aspects of financial planning. For example, a family might be protected with Life Insurance, but with no money saved for retirement. Others might have abundant retirement accounts and good Life Insurance, but lack a written will in place to help survivors divide their estate.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Ways Technology Can Reduce Crime On Your Property

One of the best tools we have to fight crime in our workplaces and homes is technology. October is National Crime Prevention Month, and it's the perfect opportunity to use technology to reduce crime on your residential or commercial property. In today's Aegis blog post, we'll identify four simple ways technology can be used to protect people and property, whether it's in your home or place of business.

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Written by Adam Miller
What Individuals and Families Can Learn From Natural Disasters

Hurricane Harvey has been a major wake-up call to individuals and families across the country about their own level of preparedness in the face of a natural disaster. Improved technology has made it slightly easier to predict certain types of natural disasters and their expected pathways, but it's still next to impossible to predict their full impact or level of destruction. For example, Texas residents knew several days in advance that Hurricane Harvey was approaching our coast, but no one knew that we would receive multiple tornadoes and catastrophic, record-shattering flooding.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Avoid Becoming A Victim of Repair Scams

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, thousands of homes and businesses across the Gulf Coast need repairs and renovations, either because of wind damage, tornadoes, or the floodwaters that devastated our region. As a result, contractors and repair companies have inundated our area to provide these much-needed services. But, there are some contractors who are only here to take advantage of unsuspecting or vulnerable customers, and some property owners may find themselves becoming a victim again because of these scammers and their fraudulent work.

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