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Written by Adam Miller
Four Tips To Avoid Buying A Flood Damaged Vehicle

Hurricane Harvey caused billions of dollars in damages to homes, apartments, and businesses across Texas and Louisiana. In addition, thousands of cars, trucks, vans, and commercial service vehicles were flooded or completely submerged by the deep floodwaters. Many impacted drivers are now in the market for replacement vehicles, but some may end up unknowingly buying used vehicles that also flooded and were quickly cleaned up for resale.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Lessons Businesses Can Learn From Hurricane Harvey

The Houston area is still deep in recovery mode from the devastating floods caused by Hurricane Harvey. Businesses and their employees have been impacted across a wide expanse of the city, and for some companies, the damage may be too great to overcome. However, many companies were completely spared from major damages or flooding, and there are several important lessons they can learn from the damage inflicted on our area. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at three lessons companies can learn from Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Four Biggest Property Threats For Apartment Renters

Renting an apartment can offer significant benefits to individuals and families looking for a place to live. It might mean a shorter commute to work, closer proximity to better schools, access to amenities like swimming pools or gyms, additional shopping and entertainment options, or the ease of not having to handle property maintenance. However, apartment renting may also increase the likelihood of personal property damage to renters and their families.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Ways To Reduce Slips and Falls On Company Property

Risk exists for companies of all sizes and across all industries, whether it's financial risk, property risks, or physical risks. The key for businesses is reducing those risks whenever possible to ensure a safe workplace for employees, customers, and visitors. One of the most common risks a company can face comes from slips and falls, which can lead to substantial liability issues for business owners. Today's Aegis blog post looks at three ways to reduce slips and falls on your company property.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Protect Company Laptops and Their Data

Over the last two decades, laptops have become some of the most important assets a company or employee can have. These essential tools are vital because they allow companies to perform daily operations, store valuable data, create projects, and maintain communication, all without being tied to an office or desk all day. Unfortunately, because of their small size and value, business laptops are also extremely vulnerable as they are often the target of thieves and other criminals.

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Written by Adam Miller
Understanding The Basics Of Business Owner’s Policy Insurance

Opening your own business means developing your product or service, finding a location to perform your work, hiring employees, marketing your business to customers, and getting the tools, equipment, and materials needed for daily operations. Business owners also understand that Commercial Insurance is needed, and often required, in order to operate their business and also protect the value of their company and assets.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Make Your Home Safer For Your Family

We often believe that home is the safest place we can be, especially when it comes to protecting our children. However, studies have shown that accidents and injuries involving adults or children are far more likely to occur at home than anywhere else. While part of this may be because we spend more time at home, the truth is that our homes aren't always as safe as they could be. Many of the accidents, injuries, and deaths that occur at home are largely preventable, but homeowners just aren't aware of the risks or dangers that exist, or know how to lower those risks.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Kinds of Insurance College-Bound Students Need

College is an important rite of passage for young adults, and many new college students will move out of town or even out of state to attend their school. Before saying goodbye to your college-bound student, it's important to have a discussion with them about money, financial responsibility, and insurance coverage. A majority of college students will have health insurance provided by their parent's existing policy, but health coverage is just one type of insurance coverage that they might need while starting this new chapter of life.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Ways Bad Weather Can Affect Your Commercial Vehicles

Businesses that have commercial vehicles and commercial drivers understand the many factors that can impact their daily routes and stops. If a driver is feeling unwell, if the vehicle is having mechanical issues, or if there are roadblocks and traffic delays, this can hurt productivity and lead to losses for the company. However, one of the biggest factors that can impact commercial vehicles comes from bad weather. Often, commercial drivers and the vehicles they operate can be seriously impacted by bad weather, and injuries and damages can result.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Combat Internal Theft of Commercial Property

Businesses of all sizes and industries face the frustrating problem of theft, whether it's raw materials, money, inventory, tools, company vehicles, equipment, furniture and appliances, or even financial information or sensitive customer records. Many of these crimes can be traced back to individual criminals or gangs that focus on theft.

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