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Written by Adam Miller
Four Ways to Make Your Retail Business Safer

Customers that visit shopping centers and retail stores want lots of purchasing options and store amenities, but they also want to feel safe and secure while they're on the property. When people feel unsafe or find their vehicles burglarized, they are far less likely to return and will likely warn others not to visit.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Ways to Reinvest Back into Your Business

Despite the financial, supplier, and staffing hardships companies have ensured these last two years, businesses have continued to press forward and strive for growth. Many have succeeded in finding ways to grow their customer base and increase revenue, but might be unsure of what their next right step should be.

In today's Aegis blog post, we'll look at four different ways companies can reinvest back into their business to strengthen their brand and continue increasing their growth.

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Written by Adam Miller
What is Off-Premises Utility Coverage, and Does Your Business Need It

Businesses make plans and preparations all the time – like when to roll out new products or services, what kinds of ads to run, and what should be ordered from suppliers and vendors. But the best laid plans can often get derailed by one sudden problem: a major utility outage.

A lengthy utility outage can quickly disrupt all facets of a company's daily operation, from sales to production to customer service. It can result in substantial losses for business owners, without any financial help from standard Business Insurance policies.

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Written by Adam Miller
Commercial Property Upgrades That Can Impact Business Insurance

As companies grow over time, business owners might realize it's time for upgrades and expansions as their customer base increases and their commercial property ages. Improvements and additions can add a lot to a building's aesthetic, but these changes may also impact Commercial Insurance as well.

In today's blog post, we'll look at three commercial property upgrades that can impact Business Insurance, and how Aegis Insurance & Financial Services can help ensure companies have the coverage they need.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Strong Training Programs Keep Workers Safer

One of the worse problems any company can face is an accident or incident on site that leads to a physical injury. Workplace accidents and injuries can have ripple effects on team members, as well as the reputation of the business, so businesses should always make workplace safety a top priority.

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Written by Adam Miller
4 Business Upgrades You May Need in 2022

As businesses look ahead to 2022 with optimism and new opportunities for growth, some might wonder what strategic steps they can take to be ready for the new year ahead. The answer for some industries is making improvements and upgrades now so they can be better prepared to handle new customers, fulfill additional orders, protect their business, and support their workforce.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Benefits of Hiring Professional Security for Your Business

As businesses approach the busy holiday season, it can become a stressful time for business owners as they prepare to host holiday parties, welcome an increase in shoppers, and offer a larger amount of merchandise and holiday specials. An important investment for many business owners is the hiring of professional security teams or off-duty police officers to monitor the property and provide extra security during a hectic time.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Ways Businesses Are Improved by Safety Equipment and Training

Companies often make a number of key investments into their business, such as recruiting for quality employees, clear and visible signage, marketing, and equipment and technology upgrades. However, businesses often make the mistake of not investing enough in high quality safety equipment for employees or thorough training for new hires.

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Written by Adam Miller
Are Criminals Targeting Your Business

With businesses facing all types of labor and supplier challenges right now, the last thing companies need is dealing with property damage or losses due to thieves and vandals. A single act of theft or property damage can cause thousands of dollars in repairs, or cause business operations to slow down. Some businesses might not even realize that they have made themselves an ideal target for criminals looking for an easy score.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Signs That Your Commercial Property May Need Repairs or Upgrades

Businesses are often so focused on running their business and meeting customer demands that they don't take the time to notice the condition of their building or surrounding property until it's too late. In the hustle and bustle of running a busy restaurant, an owner might not notice new cracks in the kitchen tile floors, or a retail store owner might not see a new water stain on the ceiling of their backroom storage area.

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