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Written by Adam Miller
Flood Insurance Keeping Your Texas Gulf Coast Business Afloat

If you're running a restaurant or retail store in a flood-prone region of Texas, carrying Flood Insurance isn't just a good idea – it's a must-have to protect the future of your business. August brings with it the busiest months of hurricane season, so your business needs to take every precaution to avoid major losses.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why Every Retail Business Needs Great Safety Policies

New product launches and exciting marketing campaigns can be great for your retail store, but something else is just as crucial: safety policies. Safety can sound a bit dull, but it's a game-changer for retail owners and managers.

Learn why your retail store needs an effective safety program, the benefits it offers, and how great Commercial Insurance from Aegis works in conjunction with safety policies to protect your business.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why Every Business Should Invest in Digital Camera Systems

In today's blog post, we'll talk about something that can make life easier for business owners while keeping businesses much safer – good cameras! These simple devices make your business run smoother and minimize the losses and damages that impact your daily operations.

Learn several ways your company can benefit from investing in good digital camera systems, and how great Commercial Property Insurance also helps your business stay protected.

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Written by Adam Miller
Increasing Workplace Safety During the Summer, Part One

With the scorching summer months upon us, it's important to prioritize workplace safety and keep your hardworking employees protected from potential injuries and accidents. Texas summers can be brutal, but with a few precautions and the right mindset, we can ensure everyone stays safe and healthy on the job.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why Your Retail Business Needs Utility Interruption Insurance

If you're a Texas retail owner, you know that unpredictable weather can hit at any time and cause unexpected utility outages. When this happens, it can result in significant losses and business interruptions, especially for retail businesses.

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Written by Adam Miller
What Kind of Commercial Auto Insurance Is Needed for Company Drivers?

Companies increasingly rely on drivers, either to make deliveries to customers, transport goods and raw materials, or make service calls. You need safe drivers and reliable vehicles, but it's just as important to have good Commercial Auto Insurance.

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Written by Adam Miller
Data You Should Study Before Buying a Commercial Property

Buying land for your business is a major investment, and it's important to make an informed decision before signing a contract. A good starting place is studying available metrics and demographic data to ensure your potential location is good choice for your business.

Discover three important types of data you should research before buying a commercial property, and why they matter to your long-term success. Also, learn how Aegis Insurance & Financial Services can partner with you to identify other risk factors to consider before agreeing to purchase land.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Importance of Business Interruption Insurance for Retail and Restaurant Owners

If you're a retail or restaurant owner, you know how much hard work goes into keeping your company up and running. But what happens if something unexpected forces you to close your doors? That's where Business Interruption Insurance can help.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Top Three Investments To Make Into Your Business For 2023

As a new year begins, it's the perfect time to reflect on the successes and challenges of the previous year to figure out what should be done differently in the new year. One way to achieve more success in 2023 is to invest back into your business to ensure you have the tools and technology needed to thrive.

Discover the top three investments you can make back into your business for 2023, and how Aegis Insurance & Financial Services can protect your business along the way.

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Written by Adam Miller
Does Your Retail Business Need More Security During The Holidays

For retailers, the holiday season is a welcome time of additional shoppers and increased revenue, but it can also bring with an increase in crime and injuries. Retailers across the country can reduce their risk and protect employees and customers with a few simple proactive steps.

Learn why your retail business may need extra security during the holiday season, some helpful steps you can take to boost security, and how Aegis Insurance & Financial Services can provide extra peace of mind.

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