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Written by Adam Miller
COVID-19 and Your Commercial Insurance

The immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the closure of thousands of businesses and events across the country, including retail stores, restaurants, theaters, bars, and sporting events. While these measures are in place to hopefully contain the viral spread, many companies have been left reeling as to how to proceed and recover from these temporary closures.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Protect Your Business Before Bad Weather Hits

Severe storms and weather disasters can strike at any time, as Nashville area businesses learned this week when tornados stuck several major commercial areas. For restaurants, retailers, gas stations, and other businesses, there might not be much time to prepare as bad weather approaches, so it's important to develop safety plans to implement when severe weather arrives for the protection of employees and customers. Our Aegis blog post today offers some suggestions of how to make your business safer during inclement weather.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Safe Is Your Restaurant?

Running a restaurant is a constant juggling act of several things: creating delicious dishes, attracting new customers, maintaining steady revenue, and managing expenses. One of the most important, but often overlooked, aspects of running a restaurant that will thrive is making sure that it's safe for both customers and employees. Today's Aegis blog post focuses on three areas of restaurant safety all owners should evaluate on a regular basis.

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Written by Adam Miller
Keeping Your Restaurant and Bar Customers Safer This Holiday Season

As the holidays approach, restaurants and bars may find themselves busier as people celebrate with friends and family, and with companies hosting end of year celebrations. Many of these festive gatherings often involve alcohol, so the liability risk for bars and restaurants may increase during the season. To help keep customers safer while also lowering liability risks, today's Aegis blog post offers a few helpful hints for restaurants and bars this holiday season.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why Your Restaurant Needs Liquor Liability Insurance

The next few months are a busy time for restaurants and bars, as people celebrate or host events for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve. While businesses get a big financial boost from customers celebrating the holidays, it also comes with added risk because of the increase of alcohol sales and consumption.

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Written by Adam Miller
Is My Business In Compliance With Labor Laws?

If you're a small business owner, you understand that there are many responsibilities and roles to juggle in order to keep your company afloat. You might be interviewing candidates for job openings, analyzing monthly financial reports, closing a big sale, communicating with vendors, and resolving client issues all in one day.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Improve Worker Safety At Your Restaurant

The United States is home to over 1 million restaurants, employing over 15 million workers a year in establishments both big and small. Regardless of the size, location, or type of restaurant, workers at these businesses often suffer a higher rate of injury and accidents than workers in other industries. Because of the higher risk of worker injuries, it's imperative for business owners to promote worker safety at all times.

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Written by Adam Miller
Is Your Workplace Making Employees Sick?

Having a successful business depends on having a strong, reliable workforce, but sometimes the workplace can become a hindrance to employee health. For example, if your restaurant or retail space is in an older building or one in need of maintenance, your employees could be getting sick at a higher rate than employees at cleaner or newer facilities. An increase in employee illness can quickly result in a drop in both productivity and profitability.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Upgrades That Can Make Your Business Safer

Upgrades can be fun or rewarding opportunities, such as being bumped up on your flight from economy to first class, or being offered a luxury suite instead of a standard hotel room. However, there are sometimes when upgrades are a necessity in order to improve your company's daily operations and safety, or to boost certain areas of your business that need improvement. In today's Aegis blog post, we'll look at three upgrades that can help make your company safer and reduce liability exposure for your business.

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Written by Adam Miller
What Kind Of Viral Video Would Your Business Have?

More effective than a television, radio, print, or Internet ad, viral videos can instantly boost the profile of a business or business owner as it spreads online and is shared by thousands or millions of viewers. While some business viral videos might highlight the skills of a kind retail employee or talented restaurant chef, others might capture a waiter's rude customer service or unsafe contractor. The real question for business owners is: what kind of viral video would your business have?

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