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Written by Adam Miller
Hurricane Preparedness Week: Four Ways to Secure Your Home and Family

The first week of May is National Hurricane Preparedness Week, which is dedicated to reminding homeowners, renters, and business owners the importance of being prepared for hurricane season. Any preparations that can be made now before the June 1st start of hurricane season can help better protect your home and personal property from possible hurricane damage.

Let's look at four specific ways homeowners can prepare in advance for hurricane season so their home and family can be safer in the event of tropical storms or hurricanes in our region.

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Written by Adam Miller
Six Ways to Teach Teen Drivers to Be Safe Drivers

Each year, millions of teenagers begin driving lessons so they can earn their driver's license and start experiencing more independence. For parents, this can be a stressful time as they worry about their teen's safety as well as potential damage to their vehicles.

Simply put, teenagers may be less experienced drivers but they can be taught to be safe drivers. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at six ways parents or relatives can help teach teenagers to be safe, responsible drivers and hopefully prevent costly accidents or painful injuries.

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Written by Adam Miller
Don’t Fall for These Personal Insurance Myths

Thanks to the Internet, consumers have access to more information than ever before and can do a substantial amount of research before making a purchase or a financial commitment. However, many consumers still believe common misconceptions or are confused by common myths, especially regarding Personal Insurance. As a result, they might not have the right kind of policies for their needs, or be underinsured if disaster strikes.

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Written by Adam Miller
Will Your Family Be Protected If Disaster Strikes

No matter how safe and responsible your life might be, life can throw us curveballs sometimes, like a sudden car accident, unexpected medical emergency, or devastating house fire. We can only hope that when disaster strikes, we have the support and love of family and friends, as well as the financial means to recover and move forward. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at how individuals and families can be protected if disaster strikes, by choosing essential Personal Insurance policies and other proactive financial decisions.

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Written by Adam Miller
Can You Afford to Pay for Damages You Cause?

When most people think of insurance protection, they often think of how it can protect against their own personal injuries or damage to their own property. What some people fail to recognize is that insurance is just as important in protecting against injuries or damages we cause to others, or that takes place on our property. Without proper coverage, these damages or injuries can lead to substantial liability claims and hefty judgments that could put us in dire financial situations.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Develop A Safety Strategy For Your Property and Assets

These uncertain times have led to breaks in work, breaks in activities, and breaks in calendars and schedules. However, crime is something that never takes a break, so it's important to have safety strategies in place to protect our families, our homes, our vehicles, and our personal assets. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at some ways to create safety strategies for your personal assets and reduce your risk.

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Written by Adam Miller
Financial Lessons College Students Should Know Before Graduating

As thousands of college seniors approach the finish line towards earning their degree, many have now begun planning their next steps, whether it's pursuing a full-time job or earning a Masters or Doctorate degree. However, many students graduate without any useful financial lessons or guidance about post-college life, making it harder for them to achieve their long-term personal goals. Today's Aegis blog post offers several key financial lessons for college students about to begin the next phase of life.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Get Your Home and Finances In Order For Your Growing Family

The upcoming arrival of a new baby can bring a flood of emotions to expecting parents, but also a long list of important decisions to make and tasks to complete before the baby arrives. A key task for any new parent is to make sure both their home and finances are in order before the child arrives, whether through childbirth, adoption, or fostering. When a family home is safe and ready to welcome a new baby, and financial decisions have already been made, it helps parents be able to fully focus on bonding and caring for their child.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Smart Doorbells and Outdoor Cameras Can Keep Your Home Safer

As people prepare for holiday gatherings or traveling, many overlook the fact that their homes might be prime targets for burglars or other criminals this holiday season. Rather than coming home to find Christmas gifts stolen or cars burglarized overnight, homeowners can take home security and protection into their own hands by investing in smart doorbells and outdoor camera systems. Make this holiday season a safe and happy one by learning how these electronic tools can help keep your home and neighborhood safer.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Ways To Reduce Driver Distractions

If you've driven a car any time recently, you may have noticed the growing problem of distracted drivers on streets and busy freeways. You might have had to honk at someone veering into your lane while they're texting, or you might have quickly slammed on your brakes because of distractions in your own car.

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