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Written by Adam Miller
How To Keep Your Home Safer During Summer Vacation

Summer is when many people plan fun vacation getaways, but a growing concern for many homeowners and renters is how to keep their property safe and protected while they're away from home. Learn about several ways you can keep your home or apartment safer while you travel so you can avoid returning to a damaged home.

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Written by Adam Miller
Hurricane Preparedness Week: Four Ways to Secure Your Home and Family

The first week of May is National Hurricane Preparedness Week, which is dedicated to reminding homeowners, renters, and business owners the importance of being prepared for hurricane season. Any preparations that can be made now before the June 1st start of hurricane season can help better protect your home and personal property from possible hurricane damage.

Let's look at four specific ways homeowners can prepare in advance for hurricane season so their home and family can be safer in the event of tropical storms or hurricanes in our region.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Holiday Gifts That May Require Insurance Coverage Changes

As people across the world prepare to celebrate the holidays with family and friends, many are searching for the perfect gift to give to loved ones. While some gifts may be simple or handmade, others may plan to give big-ticket and extravagant gifts, which can result in a gap in insurance coverage for their new property. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at some of the kinds of holiday gifts that may require changes in personal insurance coverage amounts to ensure their values are covered in the event of damages, loss, or theft.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Lessons We Can Learn from Hurricane Nicholas

In a very short period of time, Hurricane Nicholas developed from a line of tropical rainclouds into a category 1 hurricane that hit the Texas coast this week. While the flood and wind damages were not as significant as with past hurricanes, it still left behind flooded properties, toppled structures, and large power outages across the coast.

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Written by Adam Miller
Will Your Family Be Protected If Disaster Strikes

No matter how safe and responsible your life might be, life can throw us curveballs sometimes, like a sudden car accident, unexpected medical emergency, or devastating house fire. We can only hope that when disaster strikes, we have the support and love of family and friends, as well as the financial means to recover and move forward. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at how individuals and families can be protected if disaster strikes, by choosing essential Personal Insurance policies and other proactive financial decisions.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Homeowners and Renters Can Be Better Prepared for Weather Disasters

Residents in Texas are used to dealing with common weather events in their region. For those close to the Gulf Coast, hurricanes and flooding are big concerns, while in north Texas, snow and tornadoes are a greater concern. However, in recent years Texans have begun to experience a wider variety and intensity of severe weather storms and disasters, making the entire state more vulnerable to damages and losses.

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Written by Adam Miller
Financial Lessons College Students Should Know Before Graduating

As thousands of college seniors approach the finish line towards earning their degree, many have now begun planning their next steps, whether it's pursuing a full-time job or earning a Masters or Doctorate degree. However, many students graduate without any useful financial lessons or guidance about post-college life, making it harder for them to achieve their long-term personal goals. Today's Aegis blog post offers several key financial lessons for college students about to begin the next phase of life.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Smart Doorbells and Outdoor Cameras Can Keep Your Home Safer

As people prepare for holiday gatherings or traveling, many overlook the fact that their homes might be prime targets for burglars or other criminals this holiday season. Rather than coming home to find Christmas gifts stolen or cars burglarized overnight, homeowners can take home security and protection into their own hands by investing in smart doorbells and outdoor camera systems. Make this holiday season a safe and happy one by learning how these electronic tools can help keep your home and neighborhood safer.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Properly Inventory Your Personal Possessions

We always want to be prepared in the event a disaster strikes our home, whether it's a fire, flood, burglary, or other major event. But if your home and possessions are lost or stolen, how well would you be able to remember all of your assets and their value for insurance purposes? The reality is that people greatly underestimate how many possessions they actually have, as well as their overall value, particularly after the trauma of a disaster when they are relying strictly on their memory.

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Written by Adam Miller
Is Your Social Media Activity Putting You At Risk?

Like it or not, social media has completely transformed the way many people across the world live their lives, communicate with others, and do business. It's common to see people sharing nearly every aspect of their day online, but it's important to use good judgment in what you share with the world, or you could find yourself at risk. The focus of today's Aegis blog post is looking at some of the social media activity that can put you, your family, or even your business at risk and what can be done to lower those risks.

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