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Written by Adam Miller
Three Life Changes That Can Impact Personal Insurance Coverage

Major life changes will often lead individuals or families to update or increase personal insurance coverage. For example, when a couple gets married or welcomes a new child to their family, it can trigger a change in life insurance coverage, estate planning, and beneficiary information. However, there are some life changes that can still impact personal insurance coverage that people forget about.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Common Dangers During The Holidays

The holidays are a festive time of celebration, often involving traveling, gathering with family and friends, and sharing delicious meals together. Sadly, they can also be a dangerous time for families and friends if proper precautions are not taken. In today's blog post, we discuss three common dangers that occur most during the holidays, and what people can do to mitigate their risks.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Important Conversations To Have With Aging Parents

Our parents spend years caring for us, teaching us, and guiding us from infancy to adulthood. Once adults, we can make our own decisions, plan for our future, and care for our self and our loved ones. Sadly, over time our parents may reach a stage where their own health, mobility, finances, and living situation may require them to make major life changes. While it may be difficult for adult children to discuss these sensitive topics with their aging parents, it is absolutely critical to make sure our loved ones have the safety, care, and support they need to thrive in their senior years.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Reasons Why College Students Need Quality Insurance Protection

Homeowners, renters, and business owners are often reminded of the importance of having personal and commercial insurance coverage. However, college students are some of the most vulnerable victims when disaster strikes, and are rarely protected with quality insurance coverage. Sadly, college students have little financial recourse when their possessions are lost or damaged by severe weather, or when they are victims of accidents or injuries on campus.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Develop A Renters Emergency Plan

When disaster strikes, some of the most vulnerable people are those renting apartments, as there is not often a clear-cut emergency plan or exit strategy in place. Residents fleeing a fire or other major catastrophe are often confused about where to go or safe places to find shelter or help, and they risk losing their lives or suffering from major injuries because of these delays.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Top Four Things Thieves Target During The Summer

While summer can be a busy time for families as they plan vacations and road trips, it can be an even busier time for thieves looking to steal what they can from residential properties. In almost no time at all, and with very little effort, criminals can quickly make off with hundreds and even thousands of dollars worth of personal property. Today's blog post looks at the top four things thieves target on residential properties during the summer months.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Ways To Keep Your Home Safe From Thieves

The holidays are a time to gather with family and friends, celebrate family traditions, and exchange gifts with loved ones. Unfortunately, after the holidays is the busiest time of the year for home burglars, robbers, and vandals. Too often individuals and families are completely unaware of all the ways they can make themselves a prime target for thieves looking for a quick robbery of electronics, high-end toys, art, luxury clothes, cars, jewelry, and cash.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Top Three Threats To Texas Rental Properties

Purchasing and renting out a home or vacation property has become a popular way for Texans to secure additional income while also retaining ownership of valuable real estate. However, there are risks for any homeowner with rental property as accidents or damages can occur at any time, threatening the home structure as well as assets in the home. In today's blog post, we'll look at the three most common threats to Texas rental properties and how rental property owners can protect themselves and their investments with quality insurance coverage.

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Written by Adam Miller
Insurance Needs For Cohabitating Couples

Over the last three decades, the percentage of American couples living together before marriage has risen over 70%. Unfortunately, some cohabitating couples may find themselves in a dire financial situation if they do not have comprehensive insurance coverage that protects them and their property in the event of a disaster. The legal benefits and insurance coverage options available to married couples do not often apply to unmarried couples living together or sharing property.

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Written by admin
Don’t Leave Home Without Renters Insurance!

Recent studies have shown a dramatic increase in the number of adults between the ages of 21 to 35 still living with their parents. The most common causes for this increase include difficulty in finding a job after college, rising housing costs, and large student loan debts. However, once they have secured jobs or paid down some of their outstanding debts, these young adults are eager to move out and find places of their own. Unfortunately, many of these individuals do so without the financial security of Renters Insurance.

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