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Written by Adam Miller
Three Ways To Protect Your New Electronics

During the holidays, nearly every major retailer offers great savings on big-ticket electronics such as flat-screen televisions, laptops, smartphones, Blu-Ray players, and video game consoles. Whether it's a gift from a loved one, or a splurge for yourself or your own family, new electronic devices are a fun addition to your home or apartment. However, when you're bringing home new electronics such as TVs or video game consoles, be smart and consider these three helpful tips to protect your new devices.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Top Three New Year’s Eve Safety Tips

Celebrating the New Year is a fun and memorable event, but it's crucial to be safe and make smart choices when celebrating, whether at home or out with friends. New Year's is one of the most dangerous and deadly holidays for Houstonians, so today's blog post will focus on three safety tips to ensure a safer New Year's Eve celebration for you, your family, and your friends.

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Written by Adam Miller
Prevent car theft and burglaries by following these helpful tips from InsurTexas.

Car theft and break-ins can occur at any time, and in any area throughout the Houston area. Criminals may target vehicles for a variety of reasons, including stealing parts and wheels, valuables left inside, or tools and equipment inside of commercial vehicles. Although it isn't possible to prevent all car thefts and break-ins, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim with a few proactive steps.

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Written by Adam Miller
Help your home or apartment stay safer from burglars with these helpful tips from InsurTexas.

The arrival of the holiday season brings with it colorful lights, beautiful décor, and sadly, an increase in theft and burglary. With many homeowners and apartment renters away from home to visit relatives or away on vacation, burglars have increased opportunities to break in and steal valuables, electronics, jewelry, and other household items. This holiday season, Aegis would like to offer these helpful tips to avoid making your home a target for burglars.

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Written by Adam Miller
These fire safety tips from InsurTexas can help prevent the loss of life and property this holiday season, and year-round.

With Houston's colder weather, more families are tempted to stay indoors, light fireplaces, and cook at home to avoid the chilly temperatures. Unfortunately, the arrival of winter weather also means an increase in house fires due to fireplace, candle and cooking accidents. In today's blog post, we'll highlight several ways individuals and families can increase fire safety in their home to avoid personal injury or major property damage.

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Written by Adam Miller
This holiday season, keep your home or apartment safer with these helpful hints from InsurTexas.

The holiday season is a time full of festive decorations, fun music, office parties, and time with family and friends. Unfortunately, it's also one of the busiest times for thieves and criminal activity in Houston. Every holiday season, a growing number of Houstonians find themselves victims of theft, either from home burglaries, package theft or vehicle theft. In today's blog post, we'll offer four ways Houstonians can reduce the threat of theft this holiday season.

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Written by Adam Miller
InsurTexas can help individuals and families have a safer Thanksgiving with helpful safety hints, and also quality insurance coverage.

Thanksgiving is a time when many families and loved ones gather to give thanks for their blessings and spend quality time with one another. Typically, Thanksgiving gatherings often involve cooking, traveling and even Black Friday shopping for great deals. However, Thanksgiving holidays can also be a time of danger and carelessness, so today's blog post offers three simple tips for a safer Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends.

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Written by Adam Miller
A knowledgeable and friendly insurance agent can help individuals and families be informed consumers and find the best insurance solution for their unique needs.

When making purchases, it is always beneficial to be an informed consumer, taking time to learn about the best deals for our hard-earned money. However, with some purchases, such as buying a new home, it is best to let professionals do the research for us because of the vast array of options, rules and regulations involved in the purchase. Buying insurance is another instance where it is best to have an insurance agent on your side to research and handle the transaction details for you to ensure you have the coverage you need at a great price.

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Written by Adam Miller
Property owners can prevent injuries, damages and liability issues through regular landscape and tree maintenance.

Whether you buy a home or business, maintaining the property is essential for the safety of family members, visitors, customers or employees. Ongoing maintenance for a residential or commercial property should not just include the interior of the property but also the exterior landscaping and trees. Today's blog post will focus on the importance of properly maintaining your outdoor landscaping and shade trees for maximum safety and reduced liability.

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Written by Adam Miller
Individuals and families in need of insurance coverage should always avoid buying direct or online, and instead contact InsurTexas for custom insurance solutions for your unique needs.

The Internet allows consumers to purchase pretty much anything online, such as clothes, cars, food, and even houses. We buy more and more things online because it's often faster and less expensive than purchasing it ourselves in a store. However, insurance is one of the few items that should not be purchased online, and in today's blog post, we'll look at the top three reasons why it's best to avoid buying insurance direct.

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