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Written by Adam Miller
Have Your Personal Finances Been Impacted By COVID-19?

The world has been turned upside down by the COVID-19 virus, impacting people and companies across the globe. Individuals and families have already begun to experience the impacts of this pandemic as millions have found themselves in unfamiliar territory in terms of their jobs and finances. What are the next best steps to take financially in such uncertain times? Today's Aegis blog post looks at some steps to consider in the midst of our uncharted global experience.

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Written by Adam Miller
Financial Lessons College Students Should Know Before Graduating

As thousands of college seniors approach the finish line towards earning their degree, many have now begun planning their next steps, whether it's pursuing a full-time job or earning a Masters or Doctorate degree. However, many students graduate without any useful financial lessons or guidance about post-college life, making it harder for them to achieve their long-term personal goals. Today's Aegis blog post offers several key financial lessons for college students about to begin the next phase of life.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Get Your Home and Finances In Order For Your Growing Family

The upcoming arrival of a new baby can bring a flood of emotions to expecting parents, but also a long list of important decisions to make and tasks to complete before the baby arrives. A key task for any new parent is to make sure both their home and finances are in order before the child arrives, whether through childbirth, adoption, or fostering. When a family home is safe and ready to welcome a new baby, and financial decisions have already been made, it helps parents be able to fully focus on bonding and caring for their child.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Avoid Leaving A Financial and Legal Mess For Your Survivors

As people age and reflect on their future, they might consider how they want their possessions divided when they die, or where they would want their ashes scattered. Unfortunately, a lot of these important decisions and final wishes are never written down or documented anywhere, which can create a legal and financial mess for their survivors and loved ones.

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Written by Adam Miller
Is Your Family Prepared For Emergencies?

September is National Preparedness Month, which is recognized each year to encourage disaster and emergency planning for individuals and families. Too often people are left unprepared when disaster strikes, and a lack of early preparation typically results in a longer and more difficult recovery period. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at three areas of preparation everyone should evaluate and discuss.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Retirement Can Change Your Insurance Needs

Each year, millions of Americans reach retirement age, while millions more work, plan, and save towards their eventual retirement. While retirement may look different for each person or family, there are some common changes that impact nearly all retirees and their loved ones. Our Aegis blog post today highlights one of the most significant changes for those entering retirement ages, which are insurance needs. We discuss how insurance needs change for retirees, and what people can do to ensure they are well protected as they enter their sunset years.

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Written by Adam Miller
What To Teach Your Kids About Insurance

Parents can attest to the fact that there is always something new to teach kids, whether it's about table manners, how to change a tire, resolving a conflict with a friend, or how to save money. Although many parents see the benefits of teaching their kids about money at an early age, they do not always include lessons about the other kinds of financial responsibilities that come with adulthood, such as paying and filing taxes, buying or renting a place to live, or the importance of insurance.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Ramifications Of Not Protecting Your Family With Life Insurance

We are people of precaution and safety, more so now than ever before. Fifty years ago people didn't wear seat belts when driving or lock the front doors to their house, but we do these things now to keep our loved ones and ourselves safe. However, each year millions of families will be unprotected in a different way: by failing to have any kind of life insurance protection in place for when a loved one passes away. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at the ramifications of not having life insurance coverage to protect your family and their future.

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Written by Adam Miller
Life Changes That Might Require Insurance Changes

One of the universal truths about life is that there are often changes ahead, whether they're planned or not. Most of these changes involve our personal relationships, family, or career, meaning they have a lot of significance and impact for years to come. However, big life changes can also influence our financial situation, making it necessary for us to adjust our insurance coverage accordingly.

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Written by Adam Miller
Is Your Financial Plan Missing A Key Step?

These days, we're inundated with ads that tell us to start planning now for our financial future. The problem with that is that many consumers focus on one area, and neglect other key aspects of financial planning. For example, a family might be protected with Life Insurance, but with no money saved for retirement. Others might have abundant retirement accounts and good Life Insurance, but lack a written will in place to help survivors divide their estate.

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