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Written by Adam Miller
Staying Safe and Protecting Your Assets During a Flood

The Houston area recently experienced record levels of rainfall in a very short period of time, leading to flash floods throughout the city and surrounding suburbs. Thousands of businesses, homes, and vehicles were left with damage, totaling millions in repair and replacement costs.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Businesses Can Prepare For Disaster

When major storms or disasters strike, Houston businesses can be impacted in a number of ways, including major power outages, utility interruptions, structural damage, flooding, and the loss of customers and revenue. For many business owners, early disaster preparation can be the difference between reopening in a few days or weeks, and having to permanently close the business.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Top Three Threats To Texas Rental Properties

Purchasing and renting out a home or vacation property has become a popular way for Texans to secure additional income while also retaining ownership of valuable real estate. However, there are risks for any homeowner with rental property as accidents or damages can occur at any time, threatening the home structure as well as assets in the home. In today's blog post, we'll look at the three most common threats to Texas rental properties and how rental property owners can protect themselves and their investments with quality insurance coverage.

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Written by Adam Miller
Why Your Business Needs Flood Insurance

Business owners rely on a variety of Commercial Insurance policies to protect their business, assets, and employees. Unfortunately, a large number of businesses throughout our region forgo Commercial Flood Insurance, which is a major risk in a flood-prone city like Houston. Heavy rainfall from storms, tropical disturbances and hurricanes can easily lead to flash flooding of offices, restaurants, retail shops, and other commercial businesses.

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Written by Adam Miller
Renters and property owners should protect themselves with quality Flood Insurance from InsurTexas.

Living in Houston offers many substantial benefits, such as a lower cost of living, better housing options, diversity of cultures and people groups, exceptional restaurants, and a thriving arts scene. Unfortunately, living in Houston also means a higher likelihood of area flooding due to heavy summer rains and tropical storms in our region. Property owners and renters might ask themselves if they really need Flood Insurance since Houston is not located right on the coastline.

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Written by Adam Miller
Regardless of your proximity to a flood plain, InsurTexas helps Houstonians get quality and reliable flood insurance coverage for homes and businesses.

Houston's low elevation and proximity to the Gulf of Mexico result in occasional flash floods and heavy rainfall due to tropical storms and hurricanes. In fact, most Houston area residents have encountered high waters in city streets or have watched news reports of local areas experiencing home or business flooding.

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Written by Adam Miller
Bundling your insurance policies with InsurTexas offers substantial savings on your monthly premiums.

In today's volatile economy, consumers across the county are looking for innovative new ways to save money and help their paychecks go farther. This can mean scaling back on entertainment expenses, carpooling to reduce fuel consumption, or buying groceries in bulk. One important, but often overlooked, way to save on your monthly expenses is to evaluate your current insurance policies and consider bundling your insurance policies together with one insurance agency.

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