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Written by Adam Miller
Is Your Home A Danger To Visitors?

Homeowners welcome a wide variety of people into their home, such as relatives, friends, neighbors, and even service workers and contractors. Although owners often strive to make their home warm and welcoming, they may be unaware of hidden dangers that threaten the safety of their visitors. In today's blog post, we look at some of the most dangers to your home's visitors. Hopefully proactive steps now can prevent injuries and reduce potential liability for homeowners in the future.

Poor Lighting

A common cause of injuries to visitors on a residential property is poor lighting, especially outdoors. Whether in entryways, backyards, or patio areas, poor lighting can lead to trips, falls, and other serious injuries. To reduce this threat, homeowners should consider adding landscape lighting that illuminates outdoor walking areas for visitors, both to reduce potential injuries and increase overall property security.

Uneven Walkways

Over time, uneven walking areas can also cause falls and trips on residential properties. These may include walkways, driveways, steps both inside and outside the home, and even flooring that becomes warped over time. The main culprits of uneven walkways are typically large tree roots, foundation shifts, and water damage. In order to prevent major falls and potential liability claims, homeowners should have these uneven areas repaired by professional contractors as quickly as possible to avoid injuries and further property damage.

Unsecured Pets

Although pets can be part of your family, they can also be the cause of serious physical injuries and even emotional distress for visitors, relatives, and service contractors. Unfortunately, thousands of people are injured each year by unsecured pets, including dogs, cats, snakes, birds, and other animals. Too often, homeowners make the mistake of not securing pets or confirming that the presence of animals will not cause a problem or allergic reaction for their visitors.

Homes should be a welcoming place for relatives, friends, neighbors, and guests, but with a few proactive steps, they can be safe environments as well. Homeowners can reduce potential liability issues and accidents by making sure their home offers adequate lighting, even walking areas, and security from pets. Homeowners can also have added protection with personal insurance coverage from Aegis. Aegis offers a full range of reliable, top-quality insurance options at affordable rates. Call Aegis today at 713-850-7622 for more information about policy options, including Homeowners Insurance, Umbrella Insurance, Auto Insurance, Flood Insurance, and Life Insurance. You can also go online to request a free quote today!

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