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Written by Adam Miller
Three Ways Technology Tools Can Boost Workplace Safety

Over the last two years, labor shortages and supply chain delays have impacted workplace safety in construction sites, warehouses, contractor jobs, and other labor-intensive jobs. As a result, some companies have seen an uptick in worker injuries and worksite accidents, leading to costly delays and losses.

Investing in technology strengthens your business by preserving productivity and reducing worker liability claims or employee absences. Learn three ways technology tools can enhance safety both for your employees and worksite.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Ways to Make Your Commercial Property Safer from Flash Floods

The most active period of hurricane season generally begins in August, and with our region already affected by a summer-long drought, conditions are ripe for flash floods and heavy rainfall. However, there are proactive steps you can take now to better protect your commercial property from costly property damage and business interruptions.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Three Types of Commercial Insurance Your Landlord May Require

Millions of companies across the country operate out of rented or leased commercial space, but business owners are usually required to meet specific requirements before property landlords let them move in and use the space. These contractual obligations protect the property owner, but also the business itself if disaster strikes the property.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Factors to Consider Before Buying a Commercial Property

Business owners often dream of owning their own location, with room to grow and the freedom to have their space reflect their corporate brand and vision. For other companies, a new property might mean opening a second location or a chance to upgrade to a larger space.

In any case, buying a commercial property involves more than just a good location and the financing to pay for it – it also requires lots of detailed research. Learn four factors your business should consider before buying a new or additional commercial property.

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Written by Adam Miller
Five Types of Videos That Can Boost Your Business

Social media continues to influence how people learn, shop, and discover new things. Businesses that are able to create and share great video content on social media are much more likely to generate positive buzz and draw in new and returning customers.

In today's Aegis blog post we'll look at five types of videos that can help boost your brand and attract visitors, as well as the industries that can benefit the most.

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Written by Adam Miller
Is It Time to Update Your Company Security Policy

Business needs and policies may change over time as your business grows, and this can include your company's security policy. Even if your business has been relatively secure in the past, it's important to ensure that your security policy will effectively protect employees, customers, and the business itself if disaster strikes.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Steps to Reduce Theft and Protect Your Business

Theft is a growing problem for businesses of all industries, with the biggest threat coming from company employees. Employee theft is estimated to cost U.S. businesses a total of $50 billion every year, so it's important to mitigate these losses if you own your own business.

Learn about four steps you can take to reduce the opportunity for employee theft and protect the long-term future of your business.

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Written by Adam Miller

Businesses can prepare for a busy summer season, an upcoming holiday, or new laws that impact their company, but few are ever fully prepared if a major disaster strikes, like a fire, flood, or hurricane. When rough times hit your business, the last thing you want to be is unprepared with limited Commercial Insurance coverage that doesn't do much to help you repair and recover what's been lost.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Ways to Improve the Exterior of Your Business

Your company can offer great services and products, but it'll be difficult to even get customers in your doors if the outside of your business property looks dingy or unwelcoming. Enhancing the outside of your commercial property can go a long way in attracting new customers or welcoming back old customers that may have forgotten about your business.

In today's Aegis blog post, we'll look at four ways to improve the exterior of your business to boost curb appeal and help welcome more customers through your doors.

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Written by Adam Miller
Hurricane Preparedness: How to Effectively Protect Your Business

May 1st marks the start of National Hurricane Preparedness Week, and last week we explained several ways homeowners and renters can protect their personal property from the threat of hurricane damage. However, it's just as important for business owners to protect their company buildings, assets and inventory, and employees from possible weather disasters.

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