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Written by Adam Miller
Is Your Business At Risk Of A Commercial Property Liability Claim?

Do you know that 4 out of every 10 businesses will experience some type of Commercial Property or General Liability claim over the next ten years? Although this might not be a surprising fact to business owners, many do not realize that the most common claims are not the most expensive ones they could face. As a result they might spend a lot of time worrying about a relatively inexpensive issue and end up overlooking a potential claim that could cost them far more in the long run.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Ensure You Sell A Safe Product

Every day, individuals and companies turn a good idea into a great product. It might solve a common problem, appeal to a broad market, and have the ideal price point to guarantee strong sales. However, if the product itself isn't safe, or has issues that could cause problems for customers, it could lead to serious commercial liability issues.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Commercial Insurance Can Help Protect Against Employee Mistakes

In an ideal world, company employees always work hard, they always perform their job correctly and safely, and they never do anything that would harm the reputation or financial standing of the company. Unfortunately, we don't live in an ideal world, and sometimes our employees make mistakes, whether intentional or not, that can have a significant impact on our business. In today's blog post, we look at several ways that Commercial Insurance can help protect against employee mistakes that might harm a business.

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Written by Adam Miller
EPLI: What This Insurance Covers And Why Your Business Needs It

Nearly all business owners are familiar with Workers Compensation Insurance, and many of them have it to protect against lawsuits or expensive out of pocket costs if an employee is injured or killed in the workplace. Another type of important commercial insurance policy should consider having is Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) coverage. EPLI coverage protects companies if they are sued for violating an employee's rights or demonstrating unfair treatment towards employees.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Top Causes of Workplace Accidents and How To Avoid Them

Every year, thousands of American workers are injured on the job, whether in an office, a retail store, a restaurant, or some other type of commercial property. Although workplace accidents can range from the very minor to the severe and even deadly, nearly all are preventable in some way. A minimal amount of proactive effort now can help prevent a catastrophic workplace accident in the future, protecting both employees and the company.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Types of Commercial Real Estate Maintenance To Never Skip

In order for businesses to operate well and allow owners to focus on growth and sales, commercial properties need to be well maintained so they don't become unnecessary distractions or lead to expensive repairs. Unfortunately, some business owners forget to schedule or intentionally skip certain kinds of property maintenance, believing it's not needed or would be too expensive. In today's blog post, we'll look at four types of commercial real estate maintenance that should never be skipped, and how they can impact businesses financially.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Ways Customers Win By Choosing Aegis Insurance & Financial Services

In the last few years, American consumers have grown increasingly frustrated with large, multinational companies that offer a huge range of services or products, but also have terrible customer service and steep prices. As a result, consumers are flocking to smaller, independent companies that can offer comparable goods and services, but with better customer care and competitive rates. This is especially true in the insurance field, where choosing an independent insurance agency can make a significant difference in the cost, care, and quality of insurance products.

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Written by Adam Miller
Four Tips For Avoiding Bank Card Fraud

Of all the crimes that occur across the U.S. each year, credit card and ATM card fraud is one of the fastest growing criminal activities, with millions of victims every year. While it can take a thief literally seconds to steal information and make an unauthorized purchase with a personal or business credit card or bankcard, it can take victims weeks, months, or even years to clear their name and resolve financial issues related to identify theft and banking fraud.

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Written by Adam Miller
How An Aging Workforce Impacts Businesses

Over the last century, the American workforce has both increased and aged as a greater number of workers remain on the job even after reaching retirement age. Some older workers remain active on the job because of improved health and true enjoyment of their jobs, while others need to keep working in order to have enough money for retirement. There are definite advantages to having more senior employees in the workplace, but there are also some issues employers need to consider to keep these older employees safe.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Protect Your Restaurant From Liability Claims

Houston is home to thousands of restaurants, cafes, delis, and gourmet dining establishments of all different styles and cuisines. While they may serve vastly different dishes and customer bases, they all face similar challenges. For example, restaurants face higher numbers of business liability claims than some other industries, which can impact their financial health and business future.

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