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Written by Adam Miller
Keep trick-or-treaters safe on your property this Halloween with a few small property improvements.

Halloween is fast approaching, and with it comes an opportunity for property owners to welcome children and families to their doorstep with trick-or-treating festivities. Before welcoming visitors to your property this Halloween, it's important to make sure your property is safe to prevent falls, slips and other personal injuries or property damage. Here are three ways to make your residential or commercial property safer in time for trick-or-treaters this Halloween.

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Written by Adam Miller
Business such as restaurants, contractors, and auto repair shops have safer employees, fewer workplace accidents and improved efficiency when newer tools and equipment are used.

Business owners are often eager to find ways to increase their customer base and bring in additional revenue. This can sometimes be accomplished through business renovations, clever marketing, or other common business strategies. One behind-the-scenes method to help grow businesses that is often overlooked is having better tools and newer equipment for daily business usage. Utilizing new tools and business equipment can positively impact your business in three key ways.

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Written by Adam Miller
Insurance policyholders should research if their assets are covered by Actual Cash Value Insurance coverage or Replacement coverage to ensure their assets are properly insured.

Insuring your home, business, vehicles and other assets is not as simple as it once was. There are vast array of policy options and coverage types to choose from, in addition to the evolving laws and terminology surrounding insurance coverage. One coverage choice that can often lead to confusion is the difference between Replacement Coverage and Actual Cash Value Insurance Coverage. In today's blog post, we'll look at the two types of coverage and how they protect your assets and their value.

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Written by Adam Miller
Hiring professional companies and licensed contractors is the best way to ensure home improvement projects are completed on time, correctly, and without subjecting yourself to a scam artist.

In our previous blog post, we looked at the reasons why homeowners, renters and business owners put themselves and their property in jeopardy when attempting DIY projects. Trusting these projects to professional companies and contractors keeps individuals and their families safe, and it reduces incidents of property damage.

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Written by Adam Miller
Homeowners can easily injure themselves and damage their property when attempting DIY home improvement projects that involve electrical wiring, plumbing or landscape work.

For many Houston homeowners, particularly those living in older homes, there is often a desire to make home improvements, such as renovating a bathroom, installing recessed lighting, painting the exterior of the home, or removing a tree for better visibility. While cable shows and Internet videos can make home improvement projects look simple enough, in reality a vast majority of home improvement projects can be dangerous, leading to personal injury and property damages.

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Written by Adam Miller
It's important to make an inventory of your total home assets in the event of a disaster like fire or theft, when it would be harder to recall all your possessions and their net worth.

In our lifetime, we accumulate a large amount of things, ranging from small, mundane items to sentimental and expensive assets. Although we may have a house or apartment full of items, it would be a struggle to create a detailed list of our possessions from memory, much less the current value of these items. When disasters like a house fire or apartment theft occur, policyholders need to provide accurate details regarding their missing or damaged items. This process is especially painful when dealing with the shock and emotional rollercoaster of a burglary or fire.

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Written by Adam Miller
Protecting your personal information from public websites, such as county appraisal districts, is a great way to maintain privacy and improve personal security.

Thanks to the Internet, many records and legal documents are now available to search and review online, whether they are marriage records, birth records, divorce records, and even property records. Although it can be convenient to have access to this information at any time, in reality the online publication of this sensitive information jeopardizes an individual's security and privacy. It is critical for people to take proactive steps to minimize or better control the kind of public information that's available online, for the privacy and safety of family members and property.

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Written by Adam Miller
Social Media Posts Can Put Your Property At Risk, Part Two

In last week's blog post, we looked at the many ways that social media posts and photos can put people's homes and possessions at risk of theft or vandalism. Criminals can easily scan social media feeds and learn if a person is away on a vacation, is dining out with friends, or has recently purchased something valuable like a new car or expensive watch.

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Written by Adam Miller
Vacation photos, new car photos and other social media posts can make you an instant target for theives and vandals.

Social media can be a fun and engaging way to connect with family and friends through quick and simple updates. While you might think social media posts and pictures are harmless and innocent, others might see them as opportunities for theft, vandalism and other criminal activity. Social media posts can easily put people and property at risk, so it's important to understand how criminals can use our social media posts against us, and safer ways to communicate through social media.

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Written by Adam Miller
Business owners can minimize the revenue and asset losses caused by power outages through strategic business insurance policies from InsurTexas.

There are a wide variety of issues that can impact businesses, such as rising costs of raw goods and materials, nearby construction, downturns in the economy, more competition within the industry, and lack of adequate staff. However, one of the most common impacts to businesses and business owners comes from power outages. The loss of power can be devastating to a business, since it can hinder sales, productivity, security, manufacturing, customer access, and inventory volume.

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