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Written by Adam Miller
Tips and Techniques For Hiring The Right Employees

Every company needs employees to operate and grow their business, but it can be struggle for business managers and hiring departments to find the right employee for the job. Job websites and recruiting services are popular ways to fill job openings, but those can take a lot of time and money, and don't always give great insight on a candidate's true experience, career goals, or work ethic. In today's Aegis blog post, we offer some helpful tips and techniques for finding the right employees to help your company thrive.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Dangers of Using Outdated Business Technology

Business owners face a variety of challenges as they grow and pursue their goals, such as finding the right staff, acquiring and retaining customers, and protecting their brand and reputation. However, a company's best efforts can be hampered by something as simple as using outdated equipment and older tools to perform their work. In today's Aegis blog post, we look at some of the dangers that come with relying on outdated business technology.

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Written by Adam Miller
Is Your Commercial Vehicle Helping or Hurting Your Business?

Commercial vehicles are an essential part of many companies across the country, whether they're used for making service calls, delivering products to customers, or traveling to and from client meetings. However, it's important for business owners to regularly assess their commercial vehicle to determine if it's still a beneficial part of the company, or if it's become a liability or financial drain. In today's Aegis blog post, we provide three specific areas to evaluate for your commercial vehicles.

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Written by Adam Miller
How To Avoid Leaving A Financial and Legal Mess For Your Survivors

As people age and reflect on their future, they might consider how they want their possessions divided when they die, or where they would want their ashes scattered. Unfortunately, a lot of these important decisions and final wishes are never written down or documented anywhere, which can create a legal and financial mess for their survivors and loved ones.

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Written by Adam Miller
Three Ways To Strengthen Your Business In The New Year

As a new decade begins, many business owners will focus on setting goals and dreaming big for the months and years ahead. One important goal all companies should strive for is how to strengthen their business, putting themselves in the best possible position for success and growth. In today's Aegis post, we highlight three ways companies can strengthen their business in the new year to maximize their potential.

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Written by Adam Miller
Should My Business Go Cashless?

In the last few years, a shift has emerged in how consumers pay for their purchases, with more choosing to use mobile pay options or simply buying online. So what does this mean for business owners? For some companies, this might mean eliminating the option of cash payments since fewer customers carry cash for purchases. Our Aegis blog post today looks at three things to consider if you're interested in transitioning to a cashless business.

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Written by Adam Miller
Keeping Your Restaurant and Bar Customers Safer This Holiday Season

As the holidays approach, restaurants and bars may find themselves busier as people celebrate with friends and family, and with companies hosting end of year celebrations. Many of these festive gatherings often involve alcohol, so the liability risk for bars and restaurants may increase during the season. To help keep customers safer while also lowering liability risks, today's Aegis blog post offers a few helpful hints for restaurants and bars this holiday season.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Smart Doorbells and Outdoor Cameras Can Keep Your Home Safer

As people prepare for holiday gatherings or traveling, many overlook the fact that their homes might be prime targets for burglars or other criminals this holiday season. Rather than coming home to find Christmas gifts stolen or cars burglarized overnight, homeowners can take home security and protection into their own hands by investing in smart doorbells and outdoor camera systems. Make this holiday season a safe and happy one by learning how these electronic tools can help keep your home and neighborhood safer.

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Written by Adam Miller
The Best Backups Your Company Might Need

Business owners understand the importance of having a backup plan in case a customer order goes awry, a commercial vehicle breaks down, or key employees fall ill during the busy holiday season. However, some of the most important backups a company might need are often overlooked until it's too late. Today's Aegis blog post focuses on three specific backups a company may need to protect their business productivity and stability.

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Written by Adam Miller
How Commercial Insurance Helps More Than Loans When Disaster Strikes

Thriving businesses can be slowed down or even shut down temporarily when a catastrophic event impacts their business property or daily operations. While some companies wisely have commercial insurance coverage to protect against such losses or damages, other companies take the risk of relying far more on commercial or emergency loans to help cover repairs or replacement costs.

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